Saturday, November 19, 2011

OWS: The Income Inequality and the 99%

It has been two months that protesters occupy the New York business center near Wall Street. The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has already been bragging the world’s attention to the economical turmoil, resulted from the transaction underneath the Wall Street stock market and also the lobbying with the government by the wealth in manipulating the policy. The motley mobs of OWS seem not uncontrolled regarding their goal. However, the protesters have stolen the world’s attention to their main goal about the income inequality and the 99% concept. With their two month action, is this still effective in sending the message to the world?

The problem of the income inequality becomes the imminent problem in the United States, and mostly in many developed countries. While the hard crisis and recession hit this country, billions of dollars are bailed out to the banks in which the wealth is there. On the other hand, the poor who claim as the 99% people were not bailed out; even, they are fired by the company due to the recession. There is not any special attention to the 99% people while the government prefers to back up the major sectors belong to the banks. The bankers seem innocent with their hard work. Despite the Wall Street and other banks are working hard in economical sectors, but as long the crisis are imminent and the more poor for the many, the bankers failed to do their job.

The OWS keep yelling their aspiration toward the income inequality and the 99% concept. The bankers have too much salary and they are also bailed out by the government at the same time. On the other hand, this is the challenge for the protesters to measure the effectiveness of the OWS movements from the Wall Street to occupying voting booth during the election.

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