Monday, December 5, 2011

Friendship at college, building networks

What can you see from such fresh students at college? This is always common when the fresh students at college are always talking about their friends at high schools. The question is that are those high school friends with you after the graduation? This might be lucky when you are having your college together with them. What if not?

Basically, as the fresh students, you should look deeper in understanding and adapting with the college life. There is something different when you are talking about friendships at college. Because it’s true, most high school friendships do not last that long. Occasionally you have a small group of friends that you stay close with as life goes on but I think that those life-long friends are made in college. Don’t get me wrong that friendship at high school is not important; it is important. But, be realistic that you should start your new network as you are at college.

Right after you attended the college, you will discover the wider place to build your networks and also the friendships through social communities, athletics, researches, and any other organizations. College is a place where those friends and you go through hardships of studying all night; understand each other’s situations—as you will live far with your family, and work side by side to achieve your career goals.

Yes, the network is very important to build during your time at college. They say networking is the key in landing a good job. Well what better place to start networking than in college? Amongst your peers are the future doctors, engineers, business leaders, lawyers and so much more.

So, don’t waste your time to keep talking about your highs school and forget the value of networking at college. This is true that the friendships at college will stick together for your future; you are not talking about the game and gangs, but you are talking about the upcoming life, the future where you live. A close friend is someone that you trust and talk to when you are at your lowest.

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