Sunday, January 20, 2013

NELTAL 2013: Media in English Language Teaching

Glad to see tell you that I will be presenting paper entitled “Rethinking teaching materials: A study of analyzing newspapers as authentic sources in language teaching.”

The National English Language Teachers and Lecturers Conference (NELTAL) is a annual program by English Department, the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. At the very first time, this conference was initiative project by some prominent scholars in English Language Teaching in Indonesia, one of them is Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Ph.D.
Arts Building, The Faculty of LettersState University of Malang

This year, NELTAL 2013 will be held at 20 March 2013 at Auditorium Hall E6 Building the Faculty of Letters. There will be about 30 presenters by English language teachers and lecturers across Indonesia. There are also some keynote speakers from English Department of State University of Malang.

Here is my general abstract of my writing:
Presently,  the  use  of authentic written materials e.g. magazines  and  newspapers  in  language class is  widely acknowledged,  since  they  provide  stimulating  texts  full  of  cultural  information  to students who have a wide range of interests; the presence of authentic materials is also in line with the trend of communicative approach in our education. 

However, bringing authentic written materials means we bring wide perspectives and discourses, and even such issues may affect students’ emotion during the learning process as sensitive issues, violence, injustice, poverty, conflicts, and so forth, leading the learning process into hesitation and reluctance in engaging with the activities.

Just  because  a  text  is  authentic  does  not  mean  it  is  relevant,  and  authentic  texts  are  often  too  difficult linguistically. This study will discuss about the importance of the needs to reconsider the way we present authentic sources into the language classes by knowing proper procedures in bringing and adapting the authentic materials based on the needs of the classroom and learning objectives through addition, deletion, and modification, especially to the level of discourse aspects, of the materials.